One might think that the spray tan process ends with the application of the DHA tanning solution. However, if you want the best reaction to the solution, the process begins long before that.
Preparing your skin for the tan is a very important step in ensuring that you receive the best reaction to the tanning solution. Exfoliation is an important step in achieving this! By exfoliating, you will be getting rid of the dead skin cells that will compromise the results of your spray tan skinned.
You may wonder whether or not you are exfoliating correctly. Here are a few tips on how to properly exfoliate your skin to prepare for your next spray tanning session.
It is best to use exfoliating gloves and a loofah, skin cleanser like soap or an exfoliating gel, or any type of cleanser that is designed to exfoliate and a moisturizer or cream to rehydrate the skin.
Dry exfoliation
Gently scrub your skin with the loofa or exfoliating gloves. This process will remove all loose dead skin cells.
Washing the skin
Wash your skin with the cleanser and water. Pour the exfoliating cleaner on your gloves or loofah and gently rub your skin. Do not exfoliate the area next to your eyes. For the facial area, it is recommended to use an item more gentle than a loofah.
Rinsing the skin
Rinse your skin thoroughly to wash away all the dead cells. To make rinsing the most effective, rinse first with warm water to loosen the pores and follow up with cold water to close the pores.
Rehydrating your skin
After the exfoliation process, it’s time to moisturize. Well hydrated, newly exfoliated skin will produce the best results when you spray tan. This is because the solution will be evenly distributed throughout the areas of your skin and develop into a natural looking tan.
For more before and after tips, please visit the tan care section of our website.
Ready to schedule your appointment? Give Wendy a call at (808) 276-7733 or book online.