Are you bummed about the rainy weather due to Tropical Storm Flossie? No problem….take advantage of our Flossie fabulous special. $40.00 Studio spray tans on Tuesday July 30th and Wednesday July 31st, 5 pm to 7pm. Parking is steps from the door! Bring your...
At Maui Elegant Tan we have tested numerous tanning solutions and have chosen the highest quality, long lasting solutions on the market. We use a paraben and gluten free, 100 %vegan 8 hour solution that is best to leave on over night. You rinse first thing in the...
I got an emergency phone call one evening from a bride who was in a panic due to her sunburn! She was getting married the following evening and needed a spray tan “Fix”. I rushed out to the Makena Golf Coarse and Spa Resort and applied a rapid tan for...
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